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2 samples found

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All data files include Sample ID, References, Age, and Location.

Major Element 0 samples
Trace Element 0 samples
Isotopes 0 samples
Major, Trace Elements 0 samples
Major, Trace, Isotopes 0 samples
All Data 2 samples

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First 10 References:
Best-M-G; McKee-E-H; Damon-P-E...    1980    American Journal of Science. 2...    Space-time-composition patterns of late Cenozoic m...   

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select sum(major_data_count) as smdc, sum(samp_trace_data_count) as stdc, sum(samp_isotope_data_count) as sidc, sum(samp_majtrace_data_count) as ssmtd, sum(samp_majtriso_data_count) as ssmdc, sum(samp_total_data_count) as total FROM (SELECT (case when samp.major_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as major_data_count, (case when samp.trace_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_trace_data_count, (case when samp.isotope_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_isotope_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtrace_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' and samp.isotope_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtriso_data_count, (CASE WHEN samp.sample_num > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as samp_total_data_count FROM view_data_output norm, sample samp, location loc, sample_age age, batch bat, reference ref, method meth WHERE ST_Contains(st_GeomFromText('Polygon((-112.7142333984375 38.61901643727865,-112.7691650390625 38.567495358827315,-112.75680541992188 38.52668162061619,-112.71560668945312 38.49766831050553,-112.63046264648438 38.493369048060764,-112.61947631835938 38.62867252279579,-112.67852783203125 38.63081814300356,-112.7142333984375 38.61901643727865))'),loc.mypoint) AND age.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND (age.calculated_age >= 0 AND age.calculated_age <= 3) AND norm.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND age.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND loc.location_num = samp.location_num AND bat.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND ref.ref_num = bat.ref_num AND meth.method_num = age.method_num ) b
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