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1242 samples found

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All data files include Sample ID, References, Age, and Location.

Major Element 1015 samples
Trace Element 1017 samples
Isotopes 125 samples
Major, Trace Elements 886 samples
Major, Trace, Isotopes 39 samples
All Data 1242 samples

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First 10 References:
Askren-Daniel-R; Roden-Michael...    1997    Journal of Petrology. 38; 8, ...    Petrogenesis of Tertiary andesite lava flows inter...   
No Author Data.    2001    Terre and Environnement. 30; 2...    Contemporaneous magmatic differentiation of S-ric...   
No Author Data.    2001    Terre and Environnement. 28; 2...    The volcanology, petrology, and geochronology of ...   
Dorais-Michael-J; Whitney-Jame...    1991    Contributions to Mineralogy an...    Mineralogical constraints on the petrogenesis of t...   
Ratte-James-C; Steven-Thomas-A...    1967    U. S. Geological Survey Profes...    Ash flows and related volcanic rocks associated w...   
Colucci-M-T; Dungan-M-A; Fergu...    1991    Journal of Geophysical Resear...    Precaldera lavas of the Southeast San Juan volcani...   
Obradovich, John D; Mutschler,...        Geological Society of America ...    Potassium-argon ages bearing on the igneous and te...   
Whitney-James-A; Dorais-Michae...    1988    American Journal of Science. 2...    Magmatic conditions and development of chemical z...   
Lipman, Peter W...    1987    U. S. Geological Survey Bullet...    Rare-earth-element compositions of Cenozoic volcan...   
10  Marvin-R-F; Cole-J-C...    1978    Isochron/West. 22, Pages 3-14....    Radiometric ages; Compilation A, U. S. Geological ...   

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select sum(major_data_count) as smdc, sum(samp_trace_data_count) as stdc, sum(samp_isotope_data_count) as sidc, sum(samp_majtrace_data_count) as ssmtd, sum(samp_majtriso_data_count) as ssmdc, sum(samp_total_data_count) as total FROM (SELECT (case when samp.major_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as major_data_count, (case when samp.trace_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_trace_data_count, (case when samp.isotope_data = 'y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_isotope_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtrace_data_count, (CASE when samp.major_data='y' and samp.trace_data='y' and samp.isotope_data='y' then 1 else 0 end) as samp_majtriso_data_count, (CASE WHEN samp.sample_num > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as samp_total_data_count FROM view_data_output norm, sample samp, location loc, sample_age age, batch bat, reference ref, method meth WHERE ST_Contains(st_GeomFromText('Polygon((-107.1826171875 38.42777351132902,-107.73193359375 38.39333888832238,-108.17138671875 38.30718056188315,-108.56689453125 38.13455657705411,-108.6767578125 37.78808138412046,-108.47900390625 37.33522435930639,-107.81982421875 37.107765071185135,-106.94091796875 36.98500309285596,-106.3916015625 36.52729481454624,-106.0400390625 36.914764288955936,-106.4794921875 38.46219172306828,-106.85302734375 38.496593518947556,-107.1826171875 38.42777351132902))'),loc.mypoint) AND norm.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND age.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND loc.location_num = samp.location_num AND bat.sample_num = samp.sample_num AND ref.ref_num = bat.ref_num AND meth.method_num = age.method_num ) b
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